What is a Revive Al Cookie?
RA is a local cookie company based out of Tampa, FL baking fresh to order, high quality protein cookies every week!
We are unlike any other protein cookie company out there.

First off, our Name.
Revive Al pronounced "Revival"
Why is the spelling odd? Well, when I first created this company I knew I wanted to call it Revival. This was my fresh start to create something that displayed the message I wanted to put out into the world that was also a huge barrier breaker for the Nutrition Industry. The name was just perfect. So I researched and found a few spots already with the name and decided, why not modernize it and break it up? So that's exactly what I did. Everyone pronounces it differently or ask questions about it, which I love, so it was meant to catch someones attention and hopefully it still does for years to come.
- Jack Gallego
We are unlike any other protein cookie company out there.
Our dedication to quality in all forms. We prioritize high quality ingredients with high quality standards to create a taste and texture you have never experienced with a protein cookie.
This company is named Revive Al because that’s exactly what the health & fitness industry needs more of. RA is here to be a breathe of fresh air in an industry that puts all of us within one box.
We make protein cookies that taste great & make you feel great!
We are Revive Al.
Want to learn more about our products? Keep reading below!
What is a Revive Al Cookie?
Our Mission of Balance & Moderation
Revive Al cookies are the only cookies you will ever have that truly promote balance & moderation while providing you with an array of protein options.
Our protein cookies contain fats & carbs in balanced amounts so you get amazing nutrients from every food source. We don't load them with sugar alcohols or fiber, we just make them taste great using great ingredients and standards.
What sets RA cookies apart from the rest is that they actually taste great!
We source high quality ingredients, pair them with high quality standards and the difference is INCREDIBLE!
High Quality Ingredients With High Quality Standards
RA Cookies don’t avoid fats, sugars, carbs, or claim any ingredient as “bad”. Instead, we seek the highest quality of each ingredient to give you a product that is going to fuel your body from the inside out without sacrificing a morsel of flavor.
For example, we use REAL, 100% Raw Unrefined Vegan Sugar to make our cookies chewy and delicious. We do NOT use any sugar alcohols in our cookies batters. Why? One reason is we want to show you that by using REAL, High Quality Ingredients, you won’t experience any cramping, bloating, or get that “diety” after taste found in most protein bars.
And our other reason being the power of REAL ingredients. Using REAL, High Quality ingredients benefits your skin, hair, mood, energy, digestion, and mental health. It's empowering to tell yourself, "Yes, I can have this cookie...I can have this cookie everyday." and also feel absolutely great from it because of the ingredients it's made with.
That's our goal: Make great tasting cookies you can eat everyday that fuel you to live your best life.
High Quality Ingredients + Baked Fresh Every Week!

Two of our favorite ingredients we use are: 100% Coconut Oil & Honey.
With high quality ingredients like these, RA cookies are going to digest just like REAL, natural foods should, and have the texture and flavor that REAL ingredients provide. You can eat them pre-workout, post workout, as a snack, as a night cap, or whenever you please.
RA Cookies are baked fresh to order every single Wednesday!
Why so?
We believe you deserve a high quality product in every form.
So whenever you go to place your cookie order, you know that your box is getting baked fresh just for you, and hasn’t been sitting on a shelf in a warehouse for months at a time. All cookies get shipped out every Thursday of the week!
Are RA Cookies For You?

RA cookies are for people like us. People who want to make healthier choices when possible but also pursue a life without restrictions. People who understand that a little bit of everything is much better for your mind and soul rather than a life full of deprivation and constant rules. People who want to fuel themselves from within, and also enjoy every bit of their daily foods.
We know that’s you.
And we can’t wait to show you what REAL protein cookies should taste like!
Feeling your absolute best from within, seeking higher quality sources of ingredients, living boldly and mindfully, truly enjoying your foods again, that’s what you deserve.
You can have your cookie & eat it too.
The Balance You’ve Been Searching For
There's never been a cookie that has promoted a healthy lifestyle and contained a balanced amount of sugar, carbs, and fats. We don't believe in avoiding or creating negative relationships with foods. We don’t promote ingredients to be “bad”, rather we focus on getting the best, highest quality food source possible. At RA, we don’t want to create a food for a diet or 30 day cleanse because that’s not balance.
We want to create a food for your life.